Patch Notes - 3/11/2022

New Features

Proclamations + Coming-Into-Force Updates

  • We're excited to announce that proclamation alerts are now available through the Codify platform.

  • To set up proclamation alerts, use the Feed header to navigate to the Proclamations or In Force Dates page.

  • Proclamations feeds will update users on recently announced coming into force dates.

  • In Force Dates feeds is a forward-looking report that provides a heads up on upcoming coming into force.

  • Samples of the two reports are attached below:

Regulation Updates

  • Statute feeds have been upgraded to include regulatory updates

  • Users will now receive an email alert on any new regulations enabled by a statute they are tracking

  • Users will also be able to view lists of enabled regulations in the app, by clicking on the details page of any statute.

Last updated