Patch Notes 4/3/2024

New Features

Barrier-Free Account Creation

  • Codify's account creation process had been updated to allow anyone from an organization to create an account, so long as they have an appropriate email domain.

  • In the past, organizations had to reach out to the Codify team to set up an account - with this change, we hope this change makes it much easier for organizations to onboard new people onto the Codify platform, without any hassel.

Admin Mode

  • As a part of the 3.0 update, Codify has now launched an "admin mode" for the platform. This mode allows admins within an organization to access the feeds of anyone sharing the same email domain, and re-assign feeds as needed.

  • Over the next little bit, we'll be testing this new feature out with key administrators throughout our client base. We will be reaching out to confirm who should be considered an admin for the purposes of this.

Feed Editor

  • Users will now be able to edit and delete feeds through the Codify platform.

  • To do so simply click the three dots next to any feed that's been set up.

  • A window will then appear, allowing the user to either edit or delete a previously existing feed.

Last updated