Bills & Regulations

The quickest way to see the latest items is to click on the bills & regulations, found on the left hand side of the dashboard.

This will take you to the default bills & regs page. On this page, the user will see a stream of bills & regulations, arranged in reverse-chronological order (most recent items at the top).

To see the source of where Codify collected this information, click the Official Source on the right hand side.

What is the Codify Detection Date?

Codify is constantly working to ensure that new items are published as soon as they are available from various government sources, doing two full scans a day.

The Codify detection date therefore designates the date as it appeared in the government source (i.e. when it was published), not when a bill / reg has reached a particular stage.

Filtering Items

To filter through results, there's a basic search bar at the top, allowing users to filter by keyword, jurisdiction, type (i.e. bill or regulations) stage, and impact.

Running a search through the search bar will search a number of different parameters within each item, including the title, explanatory note, affected statutes, enabling statute, as well as legislative session.

As of 2023 Codify has begun capturing the full bill text for several jurisdictions, including Federal, Ontario, Manitoba, and BC. For jurisdictions where full bill text is available, the search will also go through that.

Once you find a particular item you're interested in, you can click on the "View Codify Details" button to access the details page, found in the bottom left corner.

The details page will provide you with a lot more information about the item. At the top of the page, key information on the current stage will be presented, as will a snippet of the short summary (where available).

On the details page, users can also click the "Track Bill" button to add that bill to their list of tracked items, and receive an email alert whenever there's a change in status.

To learn more about this feature, please see Tracking Individual Bills

Scrolling down, you can find information on key dates the legislation has gone through, coming-into-force information, and the full summary, if available.

Note that for some items, there is no coming-into-force information detected. Usually, this means that the item comes-into-force on Royal Assent, but this is not always this case. It is strongly advised to check the full text of the bill.

Additionally, some other items may "come into force on proclamation". Please see our Proclamations database for more details on those items.

Further down, you can find a full list of the Affected Acts - a feature which allows you to quickly understand the impact of a new piece of legislation, in relation to currently existing laws.

This feature is particularly helping for getting a head start on large omnibus bills.

Full Bill Text

As of 2023, Codify has begun adding full bill text to our database. This feature is currently in beta, and active across several jurisdictions, including Ontario, BC, and Manitoba.

Our team is currently hard at work expanding this feature, with the hope of completing full bill text coverage nationwide later in 2024.

Last updated