Proclamations & In-Force Dates

Certain bills do not come into force, until they are "proclaimed", at a later date. Codify offers comprehensive coverage of proclamations and coming-into-force dates across Canada.

Both the proclamations & coming-into-force dates can be accessed through the Dashboard, under the Legislation heading.

The proclamations and the coming-into-force pages display the same information, but arranged differently.

The proclamations page arranges data by the date the proclamation was based (seen under the "Published On" column). This page is best used for seeing what new proclamations have been made.

When a proclamation is made, a coming-into-force date is assigned. This is the date the statute (or portion of the statute) comes into force.

The In-Force Dates page arranges data by the In-Force Dates, providnig an effective calendar to see quickly see which In-Force Dates are coming up.

To get alerts on the latest proclamations, please see Tracking Proclamations & In-Force Dates.

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