Patch Notes 1/9/2024

Improvements to the "More Details Page"

  • Based on user feedback, we have updated the "More Information" page for bills and regulations to be more user friendly.

  • This change additionally allows Codify to better accommodate the full text of the bill, which we are adding to the platform throughout 2024.

  • Currently, Codify supports full bill text for Federal, Ontario, Manitoba, and BC.

French Language Codify Website (Beta)

  • For our bi-lingual & francophone users, the Codify website now has a translation function, allowing users to access the website in French.

  • To use this feature, click the toggle in the bottom right corner of the screen (see screenshot below).

  • Jaime, who is the bilingual member of our team, has already done a visual check. However, if you notice any translations that seem off during your time on the website, please let us know!

  • The option for French language emails is still currently in development - we hope to have updates for you soon.

  • Please note that bill content is NOT being translated currently - due to the sensitive nature of this information, and the impact that translation can have on searches, we have decided not to roll this out.

Last updated